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This pie chart shows a breakdown of the parcels innundated by a x yr flood, given x , grouped according to their associated flood damages (measured in x ).
Hover over a section of the pie chart to reveal how many parcels would incur that level of damage
This histogram shows the number of properties that incur a certain level of damage (measured in x ) from a x yr flood, given x .
Hover over any of the bars in the histogram to reveal the number of parcels would incur that level of damage
This line chart shows the x occuring in the four climate/land use scenarios
Choose any of the following trends to modify the chart data
An unclassified method of data symbolization, wherein which every value in a dataset is assigned a unique symbol based on its placement in the distribution.
A method of statistical data classification that partitions data into classes using an algorithm that calculates groupings of data values based on the data distribution. Jenks' optimization seeks to reduce variance within groups and maximize variance between groups.
A data classification method that finds the mean value, then places class breaks above and below the mean at intervals of either .25, .5, or 1 standard deviation until all the data values are contained within the classes. Values that are beyond three standard deviations from the mean are aggregated into two classes, greater than three standard deviations above the mean and less than three standard deviations below the mean.